Frequently asked questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to prove the safety and effectiveness of may product?

It depends on the characteristics of each product. However, we have agility as a differential. A cytotoxicity test, for example, takes an average of 12 days to be performed.

What is the objective of preclinical studies?

The objective of preclinical studies is to ensure that a medical device, drug or cosmetic ingredient  is ready for clinical trials or to be commercialized with claim susbstantiation. 

What is the benefit of using a preclinical testing laboratory?

Standardizing methodologies in-house can be a costly and time-consuming process. Having an external preclinical research unit, which already has a ready-to-use structure and valid protocols guarantees agility, reduces infrastructure costs, and increases the reliability of your product.

What is the difference between a R&D laboratory and a CDMO?

A testing laboratory or contract research organization supports researchers with a study, test, or development of new products. CDMOs are focused on the manufacturing of drugs, products, and new technologies for biopharmaceutical companies.

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