Sanitizers & Chemicals

Safety & Efficacy Assays

Sanitizers and disinfectant products label claims indicates their virucidal and antimicrobial efficacy, as well as their safety. To be approved by federal agencies, such as FDA (Food & Drug Administration), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency), tests validating label claims are required. 

Our testing portfolio helps you to explore synergistic effects between different active compounds, estipulate cost-effective use concentration, substantiate your safety claims with toxicology evaluations, and prove the antimicrobial and virucidal capabilities of your product.

Safety Assays

We validate the safety of your deodorizing, sanitizing and disinfectant products, through New Approach Methodology / non-animal alternative methods (NAMs).

Efficacy Assays

We validate the virucidal, antimicrobial and fungicidal efficacy of non-critical articles, critical articles, sanitizing surfaces and textiles, and disinfection equipments. 

Click on the links below and learn about our services:

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