Crop Biolabs is part of REBLAS, Brazilian Network of Health Analytical Laboratories

In December 2022, Crop Biolabs was accredited by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) to offer services for personal care products; cosmetics and perfumes; and health and sanitizing products, being part of REBLAS (Brazilian Network of Health Analytical Laboratories). 

This license confirms all Crop Biolabs services’ strict quality, safety, reliability, and traceability criteria. 

Laboratories with REBLAS accreditation have rigorous quality management systems in the provision of services with products subject to the sanitary surveillance regime, aiming at the quality and safety of the analyses. Qualification, in addition to high credibility, gives Crop Biolabs the guarantee that our services have a high degree of quality and reliability, meeting the criteria established by RDC 390/2020. The quality system requires constant improvement in management and standards of laboratory excellence, closely linked to the provision of our services and the reliability of our results.”

Heloysa Amaral, Crop Biolabs´ Internal Auditor ISO 17025. 

The full resolution (RE Nº 4.182, Dec, 15 – 2022, DOU Ed. 237) was published in the Official Diary of the Union: 

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