Crop Biolabs pioneered the development and testing of virucidal products against COVID-19 in Latin America

With its customers, Crop Biolabs acts in the validation and development of several virucidal products proven effective against COVID-19, collaborating directly in the fight against the pandemic in Brazil and the world.

Carolina Barizan Perdão (1) 1. Crop Biolabs

Along with partners in São Paulo State University (Applied Biotechnology Laboratory in School of Medicine) and other researchers involved in the study, the company provided preclinical evidence for the work of Dentalclean, a Brazilian Pharmaceutical Industry that developed a virucidal mouthwash.

The determination of the percentage of inactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus particles was carried out by imposing the viral solution in contact with the respective tested products, with intervals of 30 seconds, 1, and 5 minutes, with subsequent submission of the aliquots, recovered in cell culture microplates following virus titration using the TCID50 (50% Median Tissue Culture Infectious Dose).

The Mouthwash APD presented a 90% of viral inactivation percentage. In comparison, the dental gel APD demonstrated 99.99% of viral inactivation, showing that mouthwash and dental gel APD can reduce the viability of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles.

The research followed the recommendations of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) AND standards EN 14476: 2015; in addition to good laboratory practices (GLP).

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